Water Transfer Hose

Designed to eliminate leaks and keep containment when transferring produced water.

Used to transfer fresh & flow back water around the world.

to learn more, click:    _HOSE SPECS & Photos  |  

  • Diameters from 1″ to 12″
  • Custom Continuous lengths from 3′ -660′
  • Low Friction Loss
  • Several hundreds of miles successfully operating in North America and South America

* Industry Leading warranty

For more info, contact us by email at:                                                info@hammerheadindustrialhose.com  or by phone at:                                                                         Houston TX  ph: 713-466-5202

Video of Burst Test: 10″ hose bursting at 645 psi  (click below)

*Hammerhead is the only licensed representative of Oroflex frac hose in the USA


*    Hammerhead Oroflex hose stays where you put it!
